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The GREEN LEAGUE published following brochures in English
GRÜNE LIGA Policy Paper on "Agricultural Practices that Protect Water"
In light of the dramatic situation of agricultural pollution of surface and groundwater, there is an urgent need for action over the coming years if the
environmental objectives set in EU legislation are to be achieved. Without more specific water-related objectives and measures in the new CAP, European waters will never reach
good status, and additional environmental damage is to be expected.
The GRÜNE LIGA Water Policy Office together with the European Environmental Bureau presents EU-wide examples of good agricultural practices to show that a different approach
to agricultural practice is possible but a fundamental change in the EU Common Agricultural Policy is needed to achive the Agri-Water-Nexus.
Available for downloading in English here (pdf, 1.1 MB).
GRÜNE LIGA Policy Paper on "The EEB's Main Priorities on the Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's Water Resources"
Available for downloading in English here (pdf, 1,49 MB).
GRÜNE LIGA Policy Paper on the UN Water for Life decade and the Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus
Available for downloading in English (pdf, 1,02 MB).
Dispatch costs are 2,50 Euro - prepayment or bill (E-Mail) is possible.
Policy Paper "Economic Instruments in the Water Framework Directive: An Opportunity for Water Protection"
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) provides for quite a variety of economic instruments to support the environmental objectives.
GRÜNE LIGA took a closer view on the German River Basin Management Plans to find out to which extend they have been applied in practise. Beside a few
promising approaches, however, there are a lot of shortcomings and an urgent need for action. All of these points are documented in the Policy Paper
"Economic Instruments in the Water Framework Directive: An Opportunity for Water Protection". This brochure also contributes to the current discussion
about inland navigation water infrastructure projects (p. 21), to the debate about the common agriculture policy of EU (p. 22) and the protection of
global resources.
Available for downloading in English (pdf, 1,61 MB).
Dispatch costs are 2,50 Euro - prepayment or bill (E-Mail) is possible.
WFD - Special
Issues: + Why Wetlands? - Background
+ Constructed Wetlands in the Agricultural Landscape - Experiences from Sweden
+ Wetland strategies in Germany
+ Country Reports from Poland and Lithuania
+ GRÜNE LIGA Conference Conclusions
Please click the picture to download the pdf (pdf, 618 KB).
WFD Agriculture – Clear Water and Healthy Rivers
WFD Flyer about a change of course in agricultural policy for the benefit of Europe's waters
Please click the picture to see the whole Flyer(pdf, 203 KB).